Thursday, August 26, 2004

Down with Nerds

Well my first post is going to be short and sweet. I have a very simple suggestion. Stop referring to us as scholars. It connotes a nerdish/geekish image to the rest of the human population and indirectly contributes to us having less of a chance getting hitched and hence sends us to SDU. Case in point:
Student (after spotting me sms-ing in class): OHHHHHH.....die....use handphone....
Me: your work
Student: Cher, cher, who you messaging, father or mother?


Another case:
Student: Hey teachers do you all want to play soccer?
4 or 5 of us on our way back : Oh we are going back already (I am going to collect my lap top...if not I would have played)
Student: oh yeah that's right, you all don't play sports....


What was amazing was the second student said it as-a-matter-of-factly.... so from this 2 examples, we can see that scholars provoke a non-sporty and non-happening image. It should definitely be scrapped!!!!

Another sad thing that happened to me...

Student: Cher, you Malay is it?

Am I THAT dark? Answers on a postcard please....


me. said...
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me. said...

Itchy finger pressed the 'bin' icon. Anyway, wanted to say hello and nono, don't worry, you're not tt that tanned: I can still see you in the dark. =p
x lynne