Saturday, March 05, 2005

Email stories 3

Ever get that fucked up feeling during sales or shopping? You go into one shop, see something you fancy and really feel like buying. But then you pull out at the last minute. Why not look around more? There might be a better shirt, a more suitable shirt, or a cheaper shirt in the next few stores? Don't think so suey right, so fast will have people buy finish.

And so off you go to the next store. No, nothing catches your eye like the previous shirt. The next sotre again. Also nothing. At the end of the day, after walking down the whole of Orchard Road or Oxford Street, you realise the first shirt is still the best. And so you troop off hurriedly back to the first shop.

But alas, its gone. Either they don't have that design or colour, or there is no size anymore. Whatever, your chance to own the shirt had gone. And you are left kicking your feet in disgust. If only you had not been so fickle. If only you had been a bit more decisive in what you want. But no, the chance had already gone.

Do not let the opportunity of a lifetime slip away. It may never come back, just like that last shirt which is going out of season.

Continuing the email stories series. Don't think this one is very coherent, but some paragraphs are really nice. Sent on 14 Mar 2001:

Subject : tHe 50rrOw Of LoV3

It's not that i dun love you... but i juz dun haVe the courage to do so. You are so near but yet so far...WHenevEr i sEE you, i am sCAred to tAlk to you or to evEn saY a simple "hi"...It's not that i dun want to, bUt dun dARE to...

It's huRt to loVe suMoNe anD n0t to be l0vEd in reTuRn. BuT wAd is moRe paInFuL is to loVe suMoNe anD nEvEr fiNd É c0uRaGe to leT tHe peRs0n noE.

When i've experienced a day of hell, your presence lights up my day. You gave me the strength, and the will to live on. You showed me the way to keep my faith strong. You are the motivation for everything i do, becos i know, i do it for you...

Many people ask me why am i wasting my time, cos loving you will not come to any end. I know that my love for you won't be paid through. No matter what i do, you cAN't be moved. And so I thought for a night, seeking for the answer, only to realise that it is a waste of time. Cos I have no reason to love you, it's juz a feeling my heart turns to...the more i try to ferget u, the more i think of you...

Hundreds of questions filled my mind...
Will i still love you if you had somebody else?
Will i still love you if you wun return my love?
Will i still love you in spite of all the pain?
WIll i still love you if you were not meant to be mine?

I admit that i was heartbrokened when i knew u liked someone else...i tried giving up on u and told myself that u weren't worth me...

What's the point of loving you when u wun even love me back? It's only one-sided...and it brings nothing to me... only pain and misery...

I fought against my miNd, wanting to tell myself that the answers are "no"...unfORtuNAtelY i am weak, as my love for you is even stronger than i thought.

All these are challenges in the game of love...true love comes when one doesn't give up despite of all the obstacles.

"If you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they don't, their love was never yours to begin with..." What you can only do is to love her more, and be content that she will remain in your heart forever~!

I know that have no right to tell u tt i love you, to show you that i care, to cry for you, to miss you, or even to love u...becos u were never once mine... But, I juz wanna tell you that my love for you is like a river...cos it flows forever and never diE...

It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone. but it takes a lifetime to forget someone...

if i had the letter "hrt" i can add "ea" to get a "heart" or a "u" to get a "hurt" i would choose a "u" to get a "hurt" den a "heart" with out U

what is love? love is giving until it hurts, & hurts until you feel like giving up, but you do not give up because you love...

Time will take us apart that's true But I will always be there for you You're in my heart and you'll be in my dreams No matter how many miles between I promise you that I won't forget The day we kissed of the day we met The sky may fall and the stars may too But I will still, I will still love you

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