Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Just what the hell is wrong with me?

Just what the hell do you want?

You want my life? You want my soul? Or you want me to get down on my knees and say sorry?

Just fucking say it and I will do it!

But for fucks sake stop torturing me like this!

I got back my lap top today. And I was sooo happy. Until "zap" the screen went blank. I reboot and 15 min later it went blank again. My lap top keeps shutting down by itself for unknown reasons. I don't know whats wrong. And I would have to send it back to IBM again.

Remember what I said about shoddy repair jobs? Once again Aristotle Toh had been proven right.

I fucking hate myself. I am a bloody fucking jinx to myself.

This feeling is exactly like the fasr march during OCS, when we reached wingline, only to be told we can't turn back in and have to continue marching...on and on and on.

For fucks sake, kill me.

For my time with you is getting shorter and shorter...

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