Saturday, April 09, 2005

Fly kite

A wise man said this to me 2 days ago:

kite flying theory is when jioing a is like flying a kite.....cannot alwiz pull hard hard...the kite will fall.....sometimes muz let go then the kite can fly high high...but then muz noe when to pull back again....or else will lose sight of the kite

*nods in agreement while stroking my chin*

And it certainly doesn't apply just to kaoing girls. It also applies to all other relationships I guess. Everybody needs their own space and if you are overly enthu, some people might just freak out. But if you let go too much, then you enter the vicious cycle of drifting further and further and feeling it harder and harder to maintain contact.

I must admit, after 22 years on Planet earth, I am no closer to finding the optimum effort to put into maintaining a relationship. It's always either too enthu, or too bo chup.

And sometimes things aren't as clear cut. Have you ever spared a thought for the kite? Does the kite really want to be connected to you by a string? Would it be happier if it was just drifting high up in the sky with no constraints? If it was happier that way, then perhaps you should just cut off the string and let it go? Even if it hurts like mad when you do so?

What would you do?

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